


Thank you all for making the Christmas parade such a success. This was our first year to enter a float and I do not think it could have gone any better. It always amazes me how well the ESK family pulls these projects off.


We had a great Christmas party this year. The obstacle course, the Sumo competitions and the fellowship made for a wonderful time.

While I was looking at the pictures, I couldn’t help but notice all of the new faces. I began to wonder why we have seen such growth. Certainly the new location had something to do with our increased enrollment. But, I believe our quality instructors as well as the culture of our school are the main reasons for our growth.

Along those lines, I would like to thank all of our instructors for their commitment to our dojo. They all volunteer their time and talents to teach, without them we would not have a school. They are the best!

GOALS for 2013:

The New Year is normally a time of resolutions. As we begin 2013, I would encourage each of us to set specific goals for the year. When I speak of goals, I am not referring to belt rank.

Consider setting personal training goals that are achievable and yet challenging. They should be realistic but they should also require you to push yourself to obtain these goals.

"Karate begins and ends with respect." Master Anko Itos


In Bushido,

Mitchell Sensei